You and Your Grading
Your grading is separated into a number of different sections each one weighted towards your final result, primarily it is your technical ability and form which carries the highest weighting towards your result but other items are also considered.
Ability to perform the appropriate technical sets
Students should be able to understand and demonstrate the PKA technical sets for their belt. Potential to improve is of paramount importance so we encourage an effort to consistent and never ending improvement. We expect a student grading for a Brown Belt to be able to demonstrate technical set one with more speed, consistency and power than when they graded for their Red Belt. Likewise we do not expect someone grading for a Red belt to have to deliver grading set number 1 to a brown belt standard.
Effort and Enthusiasm
All students grading should ensure they give 100% effort and enthusiasm, it is very easy to tell students who are going through the motions and this will impact on your ability to pass the grade. Students should work as hard in the grading as they do in a normal class and really show the examiner you are capable of.
Regular class attendance, a student’s progress is basically down to the amount of classes they attend and you are credited on your commitments to regular practice without undue absence. During the training classes your progress is monitored and records are kept as to your output in every class you attend. We know everyone can have off days so a grading evaluation is based on overall progress. This helps to balance any potential for nerves on the day of your grading.
Individual ability
Your grades are based on individual ability and not on comparison to other students. We are proud to offer Kickboxing to everyone and therefore judge your grading based on you as an individual. We would not anticipate someone it their 50's to deliver the same speed and cardiovascular effort as someone in their early 20's. This said there is a minimum standard that HAS to be met in order to be awarded the PKA grade and your instructor will help you work to maximise your ability and achieve the grades.
Through the early grades every opportunity will be available to give you the chance to show the examiner what you have learnt. Therefore you may spend longer on certain routines to ensure you have demonstrated it correctly and to compensate for any mistakes you may make. As you move up the grades you are expected to know these basics and the opportunities to rectify these are vastly reduced, this is why in the build up for your higher grades your instructor may seem harsh and critical but rest assured this is to ensure you get them right first time every time.
Please remember your Instructor would not allow you to grade if he or she did not feel that you had a realistic chance of passing.
We would like to wish you every success with your training and tuition and we are very happy to share in your journey towards achieving your goals.
Ability to perform the appropriate technical sets
Students should be able to understand and demonstrate the PKA technical sets for their belt. Potential to improve is of paramount importance so we encourage an effort to consistent and never ending improvement. We expect a student grading for a Brown Belt to be able to demonstrate technical set one with more speed, consistency and power than when they graded for their Red Belt. Likewise we do not expect someone grading for a Red belt to have to deliver grading set number 1 to a brown belt standard.
Effort and Enthusiasm
All students grading should ensure they give 100% effort and enthusiasm, it is very easy to tell students who are going through the motions and this will impact on your ability to pass the grade. Students should work as hard in the grading as they do in a normal class and really show the examiner you are capable of.
Regular class attendance, a student’s progress is basically down to the amount of classes they attend and you are credited on your commitments to regular practice without undue absence. During the training classes your progress is monitored and records are kept as to your output in every class you attend. We know everyone can have off days so a grading evaluation is based on overall progress. This helps to balance any potential for nerves on the day of your grading.
Individual ability
Your grades are based on individual ability and not on comparison to other students. We are proud to offer Kickboxing to everyone and therefore judge your grading based on you as an individual. We would not anticipate someone it their 50's to deliver the same speed and cardiovascular effort as someone in their early 20's. This said there is a minimum standard that HAS to be met in order to be awarded the PKA grade and your instructor will help you work to maximise your ability and achieve the grades.
Through the early grades every opportunity will be available to give you the chance to show the examiner what you have learnt. Therefore you may spend longer on certain routines to ensure you have demonstrated it correctly and to compensate for any mistakes you may make. As you move up the grades you are expected to know these basics and the opportunities to rectify these are vastly reduced, this is why in the build up for your higher grades your instructor may seem harsh and critical but rest assured this is to ensure you get them right first time every time.
Please remember your Instructor would not allow you to grade if he or she did not feel that you had a realistic chance of passing.
We would like to wish you every success with your training and tuition and we are very happy to share in your journey towards achieving your goals.